Kathryn and Sveta attend SDB 2023
Kathryn and Sveta presented posters at the Annual Society for Developmental Biology meeting in Chicago. First time for deep dish pizza!

Kathryn attends the GRC: Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health and Disease 2022
Kathryn presented a poster titled: “Primary Cilia as Endocardial Mechanosensors during Heart Development“.

Kathryn and Faith attend NESDB 2022
Kathryn and Faith went to NESDB 2022 to present their poster: “Primary Cilia as Mechanosensors during Heart Valvulogenesis”

Lab attends Yale Genetics Retreat 2020
The Genetics Retreat this year was held virtually through zoom. Both Kathryn and Syndi were able to present a flashtalk on their research. Kathryn: “Primary Cilia Mediate Mechanical and Genetic Signals During Heart Valve Formation”, Syndi: “Selective Maintenance of RNF20-complex mediated histone ubiquitination is required for heart development”.

Syndi Presents Poster at Bench to Bassinet Conference 2019
Syndi attended and presented a poster titled “The RNF20 complex is dynamically regulated during heart development” at the PCGC Bench to Bassinet Conference in Rockville, Maryland.

Lab Attends Yale Genetics Retreat 2019
Syndi and Kathryn both presented posters (Syndi: ”The RNF20 complex is dynamically regulated during heart development”, Kathryn: ”The role of cilia and shear stress on vasculogenesis”), while Dr. Brueckner gave a short talk in the faculty session.

Kathryn attends FASEB 2019
Kathryn attended a week long conference in Snowmass, CO for FASEB’s The Biology of Cilia and Flagella Conference 2019.

Syndi Presents at the Bench to Bassinet Conference 2018
Syndi gave an oral presentation titled “The role of RNF20-complex mediated Histone Ubiquitination in Heart Development” at the PCGC Bench to Bassinet Conference in Bethesda, Maryland.

Syndi Presents Poster at Bench to Bassinet Conference 2017
Syndi presented a poster titled “Rnf20 mediated histone 2B monoubiquitination regulates the cilia transcriptional program” at the PCGC Bench to Bassinet Conference in Bethesda, Maryland.